10-16th May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness Week.

Here at Incodia, we’re marking the week by further promoting tips on how to take care of our mental health and seek support when needed. Keep active, keep in touch, take a break and eat well are just some of the tips we’ve shared with our team on noticeboards around our sites.

Hopefully, we’re all learning to take better care of our mental health and that of others – particularly with the events of the pandemic.

As such, we’ve identified three Mental Health First Aiders available to support any member of our 140+ staff should they feel their mental health is compromised.

One of our Mental Health First Aiders is Molly Creegan, a member of our HR team:

“I decided to volunteer to become a Mental Health First Aider as I strongly believe in the importance of understanding, recognising and trying to improve poor mental health. Being in a HR role, it is important to be able to support employees if they are going through a difficult time.”

“I volunteer as a Samaritan in my spare time and have therefore seen and heard first-hand the impact of mental health struggles. I recognise the importance in knowing how to handle a difficult situation and support others through effective listening and talking.”

Molly completed a St John Ambulance Mental Health First Aider certificate to give her the skills to make a difference.

This year’s theme for Mental Awareness Week is nature.

When surveyed, more than 50% of UK adults said that being in or close to nature improves their mental health. So, we’re encouraging all our team, clients, friends and family to take time to enjoy the great outdoors!

Here’s some useful tips from the Mental Health Foundation on how to boost mental health by being in nature: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week/tips