For over 23 years, our Sales Director Paul has been one of the building blocks of our success.

Joining us back in 1998, he rose to Director of Retail Sales with CPI Card Group before becoming Sales Director of the newly independent and rebranded Incodia.

Whilst much has changed, Paul feels the fundamentals are the same:

“On one hand, it’s amazing to think of all the things which have evolved and developed in my two decades. On the other, it’s reassuring to see that it’s our commitment to doing a great job for our clients which has been the constant throughout.”

Paul always hoped to be a highflyer, beginning his career as an Aerospace Insurance Broker for Willis. His move to CPI Group saw him swap aircraft for brands and retailers, as he led retail sales and Incodia became the UK’s largest suppliers of gift, loyalty and membership cards.

Today, Paul oversees all thing sales, marketing and design, as well as being a key member of the executive board.

Though our products and the way we produce them is ever evolving and developing, Paul believes the needs of our clients are again consistent:

“Brands, retailers and membership organisations want cards and carriers which stand-out, excite their customers, promote loyalty and deliver revenue. Our trade partners want value, great service and unwavering quality. We’ve got where we are by never losing sight of both.”

In recent months, Paul has established our new division providing quality packaging for food and toiletries, beginning with an exciting contract to provide outer packaging for a growing premium confectionery brand.

Outside work, family-man Paul puts the flecks of grey in his hair down to being an avid supporter of Ipswich Town Football Club!

Also, a frustrated golfer, he has more recently discovered photography and videography and can often be found whiling away an evening editing his latest tour de force!